Categories News Release 發布日期 (HKT) 2021-08-19 【In the name of fake news · 2】Who will set the boundary between true and false: How does Hong Kong cope with information disorder? ← Fact check: Does the IOC have the sole right to cancel the Olympics? If Japan refuses to host the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, will it have to pay at least 4 trillion yen for breaching the contract? → An Observational Study to Understand Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong Using Heterogeneous Data————The Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong Project by Hong Kong Baptist University Report Series No. 11 Recent Posts 網傳DeepSeek團隊合照並非真實影像,極有可能為人工智能生成 網傳「馬斯克比較中美救災效率」內容不實,影片經深度偽造 網傳「西藏地震兒童被埋」並非真實場景,圖像實由人工智能生成 網傳影片並非顯示美國近期出現UFO,實為2020年新澤西州一架航拍飛艇 網傳「羅淑佩陳卓賢擁抱」畫面並非真實場景,影片實由人工智能生成