Categories News Release 發布日期 (HKT) 2022-04-08 Implications of fact-checking for analysis of public opinion: valuing the wisdom of social groups and analysing the sources of rumours ← The Council clarified the rumours that lock-down measures were under review → The Chinese fact checkers taking on the Covid infodemic – a rumour at a time Recent Posts 防曬產品成分會進入血液?是否安全? 防曬產品的使用導致黑色素瘤發病率翻倍? 網傳政治新聞媒體Politico接受美國國際開發署資助,沒有證據顯示該情況屬實 網傳DeepSeek團隊合照並非真實影像,極有可能為人工智能生成 網傳「馬斯克比較中美救災效率」內容不實,影片經深度偽造 網傳「西藏地震兒童被埋」並非真實場景,圖像實由人工智能生成