Categories Analysis and ResearchAcademic Studies 發布日期 (HKT) 2021-08-30 An Observational Study to Understand Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong Using Heterogeneous Data————The Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong Project by Hong Kong Baptist University Report Series No. 11 ← 【In the name of fake news · 2】Who will set the boundary between true and false: How does Hong Kong cope with information disorder? → Understanding the Social Determinants of Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy: Evidence from Hong Kong——The Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong Project by Hong Kong Baptist University Report Series No. 12 最新文章 網傳澤連斯基跳舞的影片不實,極有可能經人工智能修改 網傳賀錦麗演講時疑似醉酒,影片實經慢速播放 網傳影片顯示的並非中國導彈,實為美國SpaceX公司火箭發射 影片引述的論文未證明在充電中的iPhone旁睡覺會因輻射降低智商 網傳影片顯示的並非「人造五花肉」,實際為南韓一款啫喱軟糖