Categories Analysis and Research 發布日期 (HKT) 2021-08-30 An Observational Study to Understand Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong Using Heterogeneous Data————The Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong Project by Hong Kong Baptist University Report Series No. 11 ← 【In the name of fake news · 2】Who will set the boundary between true and false: How does Hong Kong cope with information disorder? → Understanding the Social Determinants of Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy: Evidence from Hong Kong——The Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Hong Kong Project by Hong Kong Baptist University Report Series No. 12 Recent Posts 網傳DeepSeek團隊合照並非真實影像,極有可能為人工智能生成 網傳「馬斯克比較中美救災效率」內容不實,影片經深度偽造 網傳「西藏地震兒童被埋」並非真實場景,圖像實由人工智能生成 網傳影片並非顯示美國近期出現UFO,實為2020年新澤西州一架航拍飛艇 網傳「羅淑佩陳卓賢擁抱」畫面並非真實場景,影片實由人工智能生成