Categories Fact Check中國時事

圖一:「連登」網民在7月30日發文稱,Google CEO Pichai在7月29日的美國國會反壟斷聽證會中指出,「目前除了少數項目,不會服務中國客戶」。


「連登」網民在7月30日發文稱,Google CEO 批猜(Sundar Pichai)在7月29日的美國國會反壟斷聽證會中指出,「目前除了少數項目,不會服務中國客戶」。


「連登」網民在7月30日發文稱,Google CEO批猜(Sundar Pichai)在7月29日的美國國會反壟斷聽證會中指出,「目前除了少數項目,不會服務中國客戶」。當日,亦有《香港經濟日報》等媒體發出相關報導。


圖二(左):香港經濟日報的相關報導。 圖三(右):eoeoNEWS的相關報導






Mr. Pichai: (01:12:35) Congressmen, I want to be able to address the important concerns you raised. First of all, we are proud to support the US government. We recently signed a big project with the Department of Defense, where we are bringing our world class zero trust-based cyber security approach to help protect Pentagon networks from cyber security attacks. We have projects underway with the Navy, the Department of Veterans Affairs, happy to follow up and explain more. We have a very limited presence in China. We don’t offer any of our services, search maps, Gmail, YouTube, et cetera, in China. (我們在中國的業務非常有限。我們并沒有在中國提供諸如檢索、地圖、Gmail郵箱及YouTube視頻網站等任何服務)And with respect to music, we license content payer. In fact, we licensed content from other companies and so this is a dispute between Genius and the other companies in terms of where the source of the content is. But again, happy to engage and explain what we do here further.

Mr. Pichai: (01:24:02) Congressmen with respect we are not working with the Chinese military. It’s absolutely false. I had a chance to meet with general Dunford personally. We have clarified what we do and what we do in China compared to our peers. It’s very, very limited in nature. Our AI work in China is limited to a handful of people working on open source projects and happy to share and engage with the office to explain our work in China.(我們已經澄清了我們在中國做什麼。而且與同行相比,我們在中國所做的,在性質上非常、非常有限。我們在中國進行的人工智能工作僅限於少數人從事開源項目。我們樂意與貴方分享和保持接觸,以解釋我們在中國所做的工作。)

Mr. Pichai: (05:08:10) The only correction. Thanks, Mr. Chairman. There was a question earlier about information with respect to China. I just wanted to acknowledge on record that I recalled in 2009 we had avail publicized a cyber-attack originating there, which did exfiltrate some code from there.(早先有一個與中國相關的信息問題。 我只是想記錄在案,我記得在2009年我們曾公開披露過有一次網絡攻擊源自那裡,而且的確因此外泄了一些代碼。)





Google與華割席:不服務中國 對撐美國政府感自豪,香港經濟日報
Google與華割席:不服務中國 對撐美國政府感自豪,eoeoNEWS
Big Tech Antitrust Hearing Full Transcript July 29

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