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發布日期 (HKT) 2024-05-20

IAMCR 2024 Pre-Conference Navigating Truth: Progress and Prospects of Fact-Checking and Media Literacy


2024年6月29日,國際媒介與傳播研究學會(IAMCR)2024年會前會之「真相導航:事實核查與媒體素養的進展與前景論壇」(IAMCR 2024 Pre-Conference Navigating Truth: Progress and Prospects of Fact-Checking and Media Literacy)將在新西蘭基督城(Christchurch, New Zealand)舉行。本次會議旨在提供一個跨越邊界的平台,讓關注虛假信息、事實查核以及媒體素養的學者、從業者和教育工作者可以一起分享和探討在研究與工作中對相關議題的理解、經驗、遇到的挑戰,並激發創新的思維和途徑,以增強當前數字媒體用戶的信息素養。


IAMCR 2024 Pre-Conference Navigating Truth: Progress and Prospects of Fact-Checking and Media Literacy

Date and Time: 29 June 2024, 8:30-17:00
Location: Rydges Latimer Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand
Abstract length: Up to 500 words (Not including references)
Submission deadline: 29 March 2024 (Applicants will be notified by 19 April 2024.)

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